Cosmetic products

 ChemTox is a contributor to all your quality control and development projects. The analytical laboratory can meet the demands of routine toxicology analysis as well as unique requests.

Examples of sampling:

The flexibility of ChemTox allows us to analyse several types of sample:

  •  Raw materials: powder, liquids, plant extract
  •  End products: shampoo, lotion, oil, cream
  • Nails/skin
  • Specialising in Hair analyses

Areas of activity

Metal analyses

Following a research and development, study the laboratory adapted the preparation of samples for metal analyses in order to have the best result.
You can choose from several packages of analyses:

  • One metal, for targeted screening
  • Four heavy metals (Arsenic, Mercury, Cadmium, Lead)
  • 10 metals like Nickel, Palladium, Cobalt…
  • 32 metals

Screening of solvents

  • Screening of residual solvent, with packages containing from one unique molecule to over a hundred molecules
  • Quantification of solvent can be determined following your request

Validation of product composition

  • Identification and quantification of chemical compounds in a manufactured product
  • Test of Ageing – Stability study of active principles
  •  Underline replacement of a molecule by another one

Research and development

Our laboratory has an R&D department which can offer you on-site new developments upon request.
