Pharmaceutical products

 ChemTox has developed its activity in the industry field, in particular for pharmaceutical companies. This allows us to follow a production line as well as perform research and development studies.

Examples of sampling

The ChemTox adaptability allows us to analyse a variety of sample types, such as:

  • Raw materials: powder, liquids, additives…
  • End product: tablet, syrup, capsule…

Areas of Activity

Identification of unwanted compounds

  • Stability study of a pharmaceutical
  • Appearance of unwanted compounds during the production process or the study of ageing, such as solid residues, small particles, crystals
  • Screening of contaminants (metals, solvents…)
  • Screening and chemical characterisation of unknown compounds

Validation of product composition

  • Degree of the purity of raw materials
  • Determination of different substances such as active principles, contaminants.
  • Control of counterfeit goods

Research and development

Our laboratory has an R&D department which can offer you on-site new developments upon request.


